International Women’s Day 2014 - Aafia detention shows real state of women’s rights

Watan Pak

by Watan Pak

Pasban, Human right activists, civil society members stage protest demo in Karachi
Karachi, March 08: A large number of Pasban, Aafia Movement activists and members of Civil Society with Human Right Network staged a protest demo here on Sunday on the occasion of the International Women’s Day.
President of Pasban Karachi Sheikh Muhammad Shakil, speaking on the occasion, said that not only in Pakistan but also in whole world the basic rights of women are being usurped. He said the continued detention of Pakistani mother Dr Aafia Siddiqui is just one of the glaring examples of violation of women rights. He said when the violation of women’s rights is accepted and tolerated at government and State level it becomes a matter of great sorrow and grief. He asked why the basic rights of Aafia as a woman are being negated with impunity. Is she not a woman? Why she has been deprived of her basic human rights for long 11 years?
Sheikh Shakil said the Pakistanis are even more saddened on the international women’s day, because the rulers of whole world and United Nations celebrate this day with fanfare but on the victimized and exploited women including Aafia Siddiqui go without getting any justice.
He demanded the governments of the United States of America and Pakistan to see the issue of Dr Aafia with the perspective of human rights and the rights of women and mothers. He urged early release and repatriation of the Pakistani mother. She appealed to the Pakistani rulers to fulfill their pledges about the release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui, who is a bonfire Pakistani citizen.