Young Dracula - Series 3 - Episode 9 - Therapy

  • 11 years ago
Ingrid has hit rock bottom since her near-death experience. On the advice of Miss McCauley, she has a therapy session. The therapist asks Ingrid to look into her past to find herself. In this session with the therapist, Joan, Ingrid talks about her past in Stokely including her memories about Will. The session works and Ingrid is back, but is pretending to be a caring, loving sister and daughter. Vlad is missing and the count and Bertrand bicker over whose fault it is. Erin leaves because Vlad, her protector, is no longer there. She is persuaded by a desperate Ryan to return to make one last attempt at finding a cure. As she is sneaking a look in the Praedictum Impaver, she gets scratched by one of the fingers and the blood produces text in the book.
