
  • 10 years ago
I am dedicating this presentation to Singh our pet dog who once saved my life. On reflection, I am angry with myself for having failed to publish the story of how Singh
saved my life. Taking refuge in the motto 'it is never too late to mend' let me relate the story. kindly let me relate the story. Singh was one of 4 pups born to our pet female dog Femme. We began to find a safe home for them. One of our neighbors Mr. Singh opted to adopt Singh as his children were keen on it. But after some days Mr. Singh returned the dog to him saying that very soon he might be transferred to a far off place and it wouldn't be possible to take the dog with his family. Disappointedly we took the dog back with us. As we could not find another home for him we decided to retain him and rear him along with his mother Femme.

It was Singh's habit to follow me where ever I went. I am ashamed to confess that I was an alcoholic (later successfully de-addicted in 1985 undergoing treatment in NIMHANS, Bangalore under the supervision of my second daughter who was a Nursing Supervisor there).
One night, when I got into an autorikshaw and set out for the bar, I found out that Singh had been following me all the way. As I had already gone away for quite a distance, I had no other option than to take him with me to the pub, in the autorikshaw. On that night I had over-drunk myself after tottering up to the auto rickshaw stand. No auto was immediately available and after a while I passed out because I was overdrunk. When I woke up (came to my senses) I was shocked to notice it was early dawn and quickly got into an empty auto-rickshaw which was available. Only when Singh also jumped into the auto, did I realize that he had stayed with me all the time. It was then the autorikshaw driver told me in Urdu "Sir,I have never seen such a totally faithful dog as yours. While you had been lying on the ground in an unconscious state, your dog did not leave you even for a moment. he has been going around you with a slight moan not allowing anyone to get near you. If it were not for him I don't know what a great disaster would have befallen you in a night and a place like this which is ridden with ruthless thieves and robbers"
Now all of you would agree the correctness of my having started to call him "Saviour Singh" I request the viewers to open the link here-below when they are in the right mood, and have the time to spare and read the history of Singh's successor Mopsy:1. 2.

