
  • 10 years ago
Our Pet Mopsy
(Who As A Pup Was saved From The Gutter)
Mopsy (so named by my grandsons) was a pie dog that we were "forced to" adopt, around 1996 when he was about three to four months old. He was one of a street mongrel's litters, lying uncared for, on the road in our neighborhood. My grandsons (by my eldest daughter) had listened to our stories of our hero Mr.Singh (our late dog) and earlier pets. They were also told that we had no intention to keep any more pets for a long time to come as my son (their uncle) had been so deeply attached to Singh he would not have any other pet in the home.(Dailymotion link for Singh: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x19jrc1_saviour-singh_animals
So, sneakily, without our knowledge, the children had picked up the scrounging, lice-ridden, skeletal pup and started feeding him with part of their breakfast and dinner (lunch could not be shared with the pup because they had it in their school). They had been feeding it in a secret place a little away from our home. This continued for may be a week before their parents took them away for the Christmas holidays You read more about how Mopsy became or most endearing Pet inside this Video.