McKidd Discusses - The Foodbank Debate

  • 11 years ago
OK, this was done at short notice, but I wanted to get my 2 cents off on this matter. After this week's parliamentary debate on the food poverty issues Britain is facing with incomes stagnating and jobs being created with low pay/zero hours, people are resorting to food banks so that they can get fed, but thanks to this out of touch government, we are being denied any aid from the EU and my primary reason for making this video is thanks to the Secretary of State for the Department of Work and Pensions (AKA the Department of Slavery and Discrimination) Iain Duncan Smith having a feud with the Trussell Trust over why the government are letting the poorest down in terms of support. Please watch this as this is a serious issue that is going on in this country.

WARNING: This contains strong language that some people may be offended by. Viewer discretion is strongly advised!

NOTE: You are allowed your own opinion as long as you respect mine.

MMXIII (C) Mitch McKidd Productions UK.
