Hasan Nisar on Karach's real problem

  • 11 years ago
In 11-9-2013 show of Hamid Mir's 'CapItal Talk' The lady And Hasan Nisar described the REAL PROBLEM OF KARACHI In very precise & candid way, when Shajeel Memon was asked to comment he side tracked the question & as usual MQM representative Nabeel Gabool looked on like a dumb stupid fellow who does not know what is being said,The fact is that Peoples Party wants to rule over Karachi like a colony, keeping every thing like financial resources, lucrative jobs, police & total control of Karachi to itself like a master keeping Karachites as slave, MQM is powerless & dumb, Media anchor persons mostly Punjabies have no sympathy & some Like Meher Bokhari are overtly hostile as if bearing an open animosity towards Karachii & it's elected representatives. Let it be very clear especially to PM Nawaz Sharif that this can not go on forever, If he wants to keep Karachi like a goose that lays golden eggs than he will have to give peace & at least a fully empowered local government to Karachi otherwise the situation will get worse.
