New Hampshire Woman Calls 911, Asks for Pen

  • 11 years ago
Jeanie Dufresne was recently arrested for calling 911 because she needed a pen.

In the US everyone knows to call 911 in case of an emergency. One woman in New Hampshire, however, didn’t seem to understand the emergency part.

Jeanie Dufresne was recently arrested for calling the emergency line because she needed a pen. The dispatcher was very vocal in expressing anger, stating “You dialed 911 because you want a pen? You do realize that it’s definitely not an emergency. ”

Dufresne admitted during the call that she knew her request was a simple, non-emergency issue and said she only wanted someone to bring her a pen.

Dufresne was arrested and charged with misuse of 911 along with breach of bail. She was previously released on bail on August 4th and 13th for misuse of 911.

In both cases, Dufresne reportedly told police that she had called because she wanted someone to talk to. The woman is being held on $5,000 bail.

The local police chief hopes the story will spread, so people will understand they will be held responsible for calling the emergency system for a petty, insignificant problem.