Do Ghosts Watch Us In The Shower?

  • 11 years ago
Dead people can be very insistent.

So can live ones! lol

I get a lot of questions. But you probably have a lot of questions of your own...I don't blame you. ;)

You can find out more about me at my official website, and take some time to read some of the great FREE content, including some free chapters from my books and Free Psychic Interviews With the Dead. (Sounds like fun, but these can be very hard on me! I experience their experiences and sometimes feel their pain. Which can tend to be entirely unpleasant, as you might imagine...)

My first e-book, The Real Book of the Dead, Vol. 1, is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, the iTunes iBookstore and

Watch for my FREE Kindle Single coming August 2013 to Amazon!
