Kyssi Wète - EPK de l'album De quoi tu as peur?

  • il y a 8 ans
Auteur, compositeur, interprète français d’origine congolaise, Kyssi Wète est un artiste qui s’est construit grâce à la scène. Après avoir présenté avec succès son premier album Ce que tu me donnes lors d’une tournée qui lui a permis de se produire dans de prestigieuses salles en France et à l’international – Elysée Montmartre – Paris - Centre National des Arts – Ottawa…, Kyssi Wète fait son retour avec un nouvel album De quoi tu as peur ?. Il sera sur scène à Paris, le 12 avril, au Café de la Danse, un des hauts lieux de la scène musicale parisienne. Il sera ensuite en tournée dans toute la France et au Canada avec 3 dates à Montréal, Ottawa et Toronto.

Pour connaître toute mon actualité, voici mon tout nouveau site internet:

Rejoignez nous le 12 avril au café de la Danse, pour le lancement parisien de l’album De quoi tu as peur? En première partie: Solveig

Pour vous procurer des places :

Welcome to Kyssi Wète official channel!

Kyssi Wète is a French singer and songwriter of Congolese origin. It was in Paris on the benches of the faculty that he took his first steps in music. After the successful release of his first album “Ce que tu me donnes” on a tour that allowed him to perform in prestigious venues in France and abroad - Elysée Montmartre - Paris - National Arts Centre - Ottawa ... Kyssi Wète is back with a new album “De quoi tu as peur? / What are you afraid of?”. He will launch the album in Paris at the Café de la Danse on April 12th. He will also be on tour in Canada with 3 dates: Montreal on April 12 at La Sala Rossa, Toronto on April 29 at burdock, and Ottawa at The National Arts Centre - NAC/NAC. He will then tour throughout France.

For all the very last news, please visit my new website:

Join us for the new album launch on April 12 at the Café de la Danse, opening: Solveig
You can buy your tickets on:

New album
In his next album, What are you afraid of( De quoi tu as peur)?, Kyssi Wète gives free rein to his talent as a composer and his sense of melody and arrangement. Written between Canada and France, it explores new sounds inspired of its Congolese origins, travels, human encounters. Reggae, afro pop and French chanson them come rhythm melodies. He speaks of living together he tackles with poetry and humor enriched by his experience of multiple live between cultures.

After successfully presented his first album “Ce que tu me donnes” on a tour that allowed him to perform in prestigious venues in France and abroad - Elysée Montmartre - Paris - National Arts Centre - Ottawa ... Kyssi Wète is back with a new album «What are you afraid of?” . He will be on stage in Montreal on April 12 at La Sala Rossa, in Toronto on April 29 at burdock, in Ottawa at NAC/NAC.


