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00:00hey everybody welcome back it's gonna be a short stream and hopefully a short
00:06video a leap of faith which it may or not may not be a leap of faith because
00:13apparently just this one section of the map is called a leap of faith anyway so
00:20let's see let's get going
00:30all right I'll stay down here to monitor the system levels and direct the
00:45procedure I need you to climb up to the control room and activate the main power
00:49once the process has started you'll also need to release the damping launch each
00:53time the system has charged in order to open the displacement field don't worry
00:58mr. Calhoun the process is simple and I'll let you know when you need to do
01:17what are you waiting for Calhoun get up to the control room and locate the main
01:21power switch very good stand by Calhoun once the system is initialized it'll
01:30take a few moments for the interpolating resonance coils to achieve focus
01:36everything is looking the primary coolant line has been ruptured Calhoun
01:54go to the valve located on the catwalk and release the pressure hurry before
01:58the system overheats
02:07the secondary coolant pipes burst the machine will explode you must break the
02:11valve on the catwalk now
02:14you've taken too long the impulse reflection motors are burning out I can't shut it
02:24okay well um another hip-dox issue I guess
02:32all right I'll stay down here to monitor the system levels and direct the
02:37procedure I need you to climb up to the control room and activate the main power
02:41once the process has started you'll also need to release the damping launch each
02:45time the system has charged in order to open the displacement field don't worry
02:50mr. Calhoun the process is simple and I'll let you know when you need to do
02:57very good stand by Calhoun once the system is initialized it'll take a few
03:04moments for the interpolating resonance coils to achieve focus
03:23the primary coolant line has been ruptured Calhoun go to the valve located
03:28on the catwalk and release the pressure hurry before the system overheats
03:34this is good now keep turning the crank until the pressure
04:05I can't even hear what he's telling me to do
04:20all right I'll stay down here to monitor the system levels and direct the
04:25procedure I need you to climb up to the control room and activate the main power
04:29once the process has started you also need to release the damping launch each
04:33time the system has charged in order to open the displacement field don't worry
04:38mr. Calhoun the process is simple and I'll let you know when you need to do
05:04very good stand by Calhoun once the system is initialized it'll take a few
05:09moments for the interpolating resonance coils to achieve focus
05:44I'll need you to open the displacement field from the control room
06:01we're almost there
06:18go now Walter
06:21very good Calhoun
06:53we've reached full charge again
07:05you must go now Simmons
07:14I'm going to go through next but don't worry mr. Calhoun I've set the system to
07:19automatically start the charging sequence once I've made it through just
07:23wait for the levels to reach full again and open the field like you've been
07:44all right it's ready
09:01all right it's ready
09:14I'll see you on the other side
10:15displacement field
10:20mr. Calhoun I'll see you on the other side
11:15ah there he is Calhoun you've arrived when you didn't come through right away
11:22we thought that the oh no there's something wrong here Simmons come look
11:27at Calhoun his body seems to be in some sort of resonance displacement
11:44oh thank God you made it I was worried that a malfunction occurred at the last
12:07moment and you might have been caught in an infinite harmonic reflux if that's
12:11the case then you're lucky to be standing here then again we're all
12:15lucky thanks to you however we were actually able to pull off this
12:19half-brained idea we made it mr. Calhoun we made it
12:41I thought there was a little bit more left to the game watching the Olympics
12:56while also recording boy I just
13:03the design elements for this game were definitely rough around the edges but I
13:08don't think it was bad I mean it was like uh I think it was $20 when it first
13:12came out that's not too bad
14:09I never knew Sega of America had anything to do with this
14:28well that was a fun short stream I did promise a short video I just didn't know
14:33it was gonna be this short I thought there was at least one other segment or
14:40at least a longer segment but yeah I mean unfortunately Calhoun was a
14:47creation of Gearbox so you know
14:57he's not really treated well to a degree although I wonder if Calhoun is in
15:05Half-Life 2 at least by reference either way I I enjoyed Half-Life blue shift it
15:16definitely feels a lot shorter than opposition force opposition force is my
15:23favorite in general anyway so I hope you all have a wonderful day take care
15:28like comment share subscribe click the notification bell love you lots take
15:33care buddy and you know I mean I love all of you I think spread goodwill
15:38spread love spread cheer you know peace the and I say that knowing that I get
15:50angry with people sometimes and I sure do but you know the Ringo Starr that's
15:59what I think it up love you all take care see ya bye