• last year
I love Half-Life! I still have my Half-Life Lambda Hat!:D

I had a choice between the shirt and hat, and thought - the hat will last longer!

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00:30All right, so there is no opening sound for Half-Life blue shift
00:38You know, I always like that valve thing. Oh, that's right valve didn't produce blue shift. That's why
00:45Okay, well let's play a new game
01:38Welcome to the black Mesa hazard course for security guard training
01:42I'll be your holographic guide to assist you in your training begin by putting on your vest and helmet
01:48You'll find this equipment in the next room
01:51Whenever you see one of these buttons press it and I'll repeat instructions or show you how things are done
02:04Here you will find your standard armor vest and helmet
02:07These will help protect you against any physical threat you may encounter while performing your duties
02:12When your armor becomes too damaged to be useful, you'll need to find a fresh vest or helmet to protect yourself
02:32Moving around in your armor may be a little tricky at first take a moment to get a feel for moving around
02:38Once you get comfortable with this proceed to the next section just around the corner
02:57First move you'll need to practice is jumping
03:00You'll have to get over all three of these obstacles in order to proceed it helps to get a running start
03:06Watch me do it then try it yourself
03:29When you crawl in a crouched position you can move very silently this can be very useful when you don't want to be heard
03:56Try combining moves you'll need to jump duck and then jump again
04:01This should get you prepared for the next room where you'll have to do both moves at the same time
04:17Get into these pipes you'll need to perform a duck jump
04:20You'll want to stand right at the mouth of the pipe
04:23While moving forward jump up and hold the jump button to go into a crouch in midair
04:29It may be tricky at first, but you'll find it comes in handy to be able to jump and duck into tight areas
05:07Walk directly into the ladder look up and continue moving forward
05:11If you want to climb back down just move backward
05:21The next four jumps get more difficult each time don't worry if you miss the last one a few times
05:27Just climb up and do it again. If you can make all the jumps in a continuous run. You're doing just fine
05:40You keep falling short you may be jumping too soon
05:57To start the lift walk up to the button and press the use key while facing
06:19There's only one way down find the target on the floor below and do your best to hit it
06:24You may take some damage
06:28We'll give you some first aid in the next section
06:35You'll find medical kits like this one throughout the Black Mesa Research Facility
06:40To restore your health walk up to a med kit then press and hold your use key
06:45Your health will recover gradually until you're at full health or until the kit is depleted
06:51Once the light goes out a med kit cannot be reused
06:57You may also find HEV charging stations such as this one throughout the facility
07:03These stations however can only be used by qualified science personnel wearing powered hazardous environment equipment
07:10So they will be inaccessible to you during your duties
07:46To spin that bridge walk up to the control wheel and press the use key
08:04Great job
08:08Sometimes you'll need to rely on quick reflexes to get around try jumping this gap on your own
08:26What you really need to do is push the box down into the pit
08:31Pushing is easy. Just move forward into the box and you can push it into position
09:08If you can't push an obstacle out of the way you might try pulling it to pull a box
09:13Move up to it and press your use key while holding down the use key move backwards and the box will be pulled with you
09:48If nothing else works try breaking things that block your path pick up the crowbar and smash your way through the boxes
10:11You'll need to use your flashlight for the next area
10:34Remember your flashlight will lose power over time. So switch it off when you don't need it when the flashlight is off
10:40It will recharge it
10:44Welcome to the Black Mesa training target range
10:47You'll get a chance to fire your weapon reload and fire the attached grenade launcher
10:53Collect your equipment and proceed to the firing station
11:12You'll need to hit every target to complete the course if you miss don't worry about it
11:17The targets will keep moving until you manage to score a hit
11:20If you want to get through the target range as quickly as possible
11:24Try reloading during pauses instead of letting your gun run out of ammunition at a critical time
11:31To fire the grenade launcher use the alternate fire button. Some targets can only be destroyed by lobbing grenades
11:40I'll start the sequence in five four three two one
12:22You may advance to the next area
12:27Your heads-up display will let you know when oxygen becomes critical
12:30That means you'll need to find some clean air to breathe as you swim through this course
12:35Your blood oxygen levels will begin to drop at the midpoint. You'll be given an opportunity to surface for air
13:03Regain health lost from holding your breath too long. Once you've made it to the surface for air
13:08Go ahead and swim on to the next section
13:32If you pass through fire or steam you'll see damage icons come up in your heads-up display
13:39Directional indicators at the center of your display will show you from what direction damage is coming
13:59Proximity to radiation activates a Geiger counter and radiation display in your helmet. Many other biological and chemical hazards are also
14:16Please proceed to the next section
14:42Lead a scientist into the next room
14:45He will open the door that leads back into the transit system to have someone follow you
14:50Approach the person and press your use key. He will then follow you until you face him and press the use key again
14:59Yes, I will follow you if you wish
15:36Access granted
15:45Your use key to engage the train once engaged move forward or backward to increase or decrease the speed of the train
15:53Press the use key a second time to disengage from the train
16:12You're now certified to join the blue shift high security unit
16:27All right, everybody I had a couple of seconds there where I had to stop moving I
16:33Had a little treat handed to me and I had to also deal with my sweetheart little kitties
16:40Well, I hope that you enjoyed that training session
16:45Same training such as with that life. And yes, it was criticized when it came out for redoing the training session
16:51But I mean it was nothing in terms of development. You just replace one model with another and replace the sound files
17:02Thought it was a fine introduction and now let's get ready to start the game