Pedofililer Hakkında Hiç Söylenmeyenler! (normal insanlardan daha kontrollüler)

  • 2 days ago
Pedofili, çocuklara yönelik cinsel ilginin duyulduğu psikiyatrik bir rahatsızlıktır. Toplumda pedofililerin doğrudan ölmesini isteyen kitlenin oranı %25'dir. Ancak pedofili ile çocuk cinsel istismarcıları kavramı birbirine karıştırılmaktadır. Bu durum pedofililerin toplumdan daha çok soyutlanarak suç oranlarının artmasına yol açmaktadır. Pedofililer genelde antisosyal, asosyal, utangaç ve çekingen kişilerdir. Pedofililik 2'ye ayrılır. Kapsayıcı ve dışlayıcı pedofili. Kapsayıcı pedofili hem çocuk hem yetişkinlere ilgi duyarken, dışlayıcı pedofili sadece çocuklara ilgi duyar ve gerçek pedofililer bunlardır.

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pedofili psikiyatri
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Pedofililer Hakkında Hiç Söylenmeyenler! (normal insanlardan daha kontrollüler)
pedofililer hakkında
pedofililer söylenmeyenler
pedofili ve çocuklara ilgi
çocuk cinselliği
cinsel istismar
kapsayıcı pedofili
cinsel istismar suçu nedir
dışlayıcı pedofili
çocuklara tecavüz


00:00Tell me about your birth father, what was that nightmare like?
00:25He touched my vagina until it bled, it hurted a lot until it bled and wouldn't be me a lot.
00:55He did all of me, wouldn't be very nice to me, he won.
01:11And in your nightmare what happens?
01:15I get lost there.
01:20Where are you in the nightmare, what happens in the dream?
01:23I'm in the house upstairs.
01:29And then what happens then?
01:35When he comes upstairs and um, hurts.
01:46How do you feel when you talk about this?
01:53He's right there and there's his hand, his hand is right there.
02:01Right there, you can't probably see it because it's green.
02:04What's it touching?
02:06My vagina.
02:09What is your birth father doing?
02:12Heart nut.
02:15Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder that causes an adult or an older adult to have sexual intercourse with a child or child under the age of adolescence.
02:24The age of adolescence, which is also called pedophilia, is 13 years and under.
02:28A person must be at least 16 years old to be considered a pedophile and show interest in children to a child under the age of at least 5.
02:38While pedophilia is called pedophilia for sexual intercourse with children under the age of 3, infantophilia or nepeophilia is called pedophilia for sexual intercourse with children under the age of 11-14.
02:52However, it is not yet clear whether pedophilia and pedophilia are separate disorders or the same disorder.
02:59Those who are interested in people in the middle and end of adolescence between the ages of 14-19 are called ephebophilia.
03:05Pedophilia and sexual intercourse with children are not equivalent, and mixing them up can lead to the solution of both problems.
03:13An individual may not have committed a child sexual intercourse crime even though he is a pedophile.
03:17Similarly, an individual may not be a pedophile even though he committed a child sexual intercourse crime.
03:23According to statistics, about half of those who commit sexual intercourse with children are pedophiles.
03:29Therefore, these two concepts should be evaluated separately.
03:32In the general population, pedophilia is not known.
03:35However, it is estimated that it is less than 5% among adult men.
03:39In women, less is known about pedophilia.
03:43However, there are reports of sexual fantasies and sexual intercourse with women against children.
03:49Male perpetrators constitute the vast majority of sexual crimes committed against children.
03:550.4% to 4% of the convicts are women.
03:59A literature study estimates that the rate of male and female child molestation is 1 to 10.
04:05The real number of female child molesters, as well as other statements,
04:09may not be represented sufficiently with the current estimates due to reasons such as the tendency of sexual intercourse between young men and adult women to have a negative effect and the inability of women to report their molestation to very young children.
04:24He talked about pedophilia erotica in the psychosexual perversion typology.
04:29He wrote that he only encountered it 4 times in his career.
04:32He gave brief explanations of each case and listed 3 common features.
04:361. Individuals are molested.
04:392. The primary focus of the issue is children rather than adults.
04:443. The actions taken on the subject are usually not sexual.
04:49It is inappropriate to touch or direct a child in an action against the subject.
04:54He talks about a few pedophilia cases filed by another doctor among adult women.
05:00He also thinks that the exploitation of male children by homosexual men is extremely rare.
05:06In order to make this point more clear, he stated that there is no real pedophilia in the cases of adult men who have medical or neurological disorders and are exploited for a male child,
05:16and that the victims of such men are more likely to be older and older.
05:22In addition, he lists pseudo-pedophilia as a case and claims that it is much more common to lose their libido and then satisfy their sexual desires.
05:35Neurologist Sigmund Freud in Austria wrote briefly about this issue in his book,
05:40The Establishment of Sexuality, which is called The Three Tests, in 1905.
05:47He wrote that it is rare and that only pre-adolescent children have pseudo-pedophilia.
05:54He wrote that a weak person usually has a desire when he uses such incitements or when he is looking for satisfaction in an uncontrollable internal temptation that does not allow him to delay and does not find a more suitable object.
06:07In 1908, the Swiss neuroanatomist and psychiatrist August Fogel proposed this phenomenon to be referred to as pederosis, that is, sexual hunger for children.
06:18In a similar way to the work of Krafft Ebbing, Fogel, Demans and other people with organic brain disorders,
06:24he made a distinction between a coincidental sexual desire and a truly separative and sometimes exclusive sexual desire for children.
06:33However, he was not of the same opinion as Krafft Ebbing, because he thought that the situation of the latter was largely local and unchangeable.
06:40Pedophilia has been classified as a mental disorder since 1968 by the American Psychiatric Association.
06:51According to the ICD, the criteria for classifying international diseases are as follows.
06:571. General criteria for F-65 sexual preference disorders should be met.
07:02These criteria are
07:031. Intense sexual stimuli and fantasies containing repetitive and unusual objects or activities.
07:082. Moving according to stimuli or being troubled by them.
07:123. These stimuli take at least 6 months.
07:155. Continuous or heavy sexual preference for children before adolescence.
07:205. Exhibiting fantasies or sexual behaviors.
07:235. The person is at least 16 years old, and
07:266. Exhibiting intense and sexually stimulating fantasies, sexual stimuli or sexual behaviors to children under the age of 13.
07:35Pedophilic disorder is characterized as a constantly focused and intense sexual stimulus model that shows itself with continuous sexual thoughts, fantasies, stimuli and behaviors.
07:48In addition, it is necessary for the individual to move on these thoughts, fantasies or stimuli in order to identify pedophilic disorder.
07:58This definition does not apply to sexual behavior of children before or after adolescence with close-aged peers.
08:05The criteria for classifying and statisticalizing sexual disorders are as follows.
08:131. A person's fantasies about children or children before adolescence.
08:172. Exhibiting or exhibiting pedophilia.
08:203. A person moving according to these sexual desires.
08:244. Experiencing severe discomfort due to these desires.
08:285. A person being at least 16 years old and being at least 5 years older than the child before adolescence.
08:35In addition, the DSM-5 catalogue gives 5 defining features for pedophiles.
08:401. Exhibiting type.
08:41People who are only sexually interested in children.
08:432. Containing type.
08:44People who are sexually interested in both adults and children.
08:473. Type of men.
08:494. Type of girls.
08:505. Only incest type.
08:52Is pedophilia a disorder or a sexual orientation?
08:55Pedophilia occurs before adolescence and does not change over time.
08:59In addition, pedophiles realize that they are pedophiles later.
09:03They do not become pedophiles by wanting or choosing.
09:05For this reason, and because it is homosexual, straight, heterosexual, homosexual, homosexual in phenomenological terms,
09:14pedophilia has been continued for years as a kind of sexual preference problem.
09:18The critical factor to be understood here is that a behavior is a sexual orientation,
09:22that behavior is categorized as a mental disorder, and there is no obstacle in front of it alone.
09:28Pedophile behavior can be one of the parties permanently harmful and negatively affects psychosocial development.
09:35Although this situation used to be seen as a mental disorder,
09:38it is seen that pedophilia should continue to be seen as a sexual disorder even if it is accepted as a sexual orientation.
09:51However, the claim that pedophilia should also be accepted as a sexual orientation is not generally accepted.
09:57Although the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-5 catalog mentions pedophilia as a sexual orientation,
10:03the reactions from there, as a result of their confusion, the association clarified the situation by making a statement on this issue.
10:09Sexual orientation is not a term used to define pedophilic disorder.
10:14Therefore, what is written in the discussion section of our DSM-5 catalog is a typo and should be read as sexual interest instead of sexual orientation.
10:22Indeed, our association sees pedophilic disorders as a paraffin and does not evaluate them as a sexual orientation.
10:29This error will be corrected in the subsequent pressures of the DSM-5.
10:33We strongly support the criminalization of children and adolescents who sexually harass them,
10:38and we support the treatments that are tried to develop in order to prevent harassment and harassment that may cause in the future.
10:46Pedophilia can sometimes be divided into two, real preferential pedophilia and opportunistic situational pedophilia.
10:52The main difference between these two categories is that real pedophiles are sexually oriented towards children,
10:57while opportunistic pedophiles are sexually oriented towards adults, they may feel the desire to have sexual intercourse with children.
11:04In addition, the probability of real pedophiles repeating the crime is higher than opportunistic pedophiles.
11:10These two categories can be divided into subcategories.
11:13Almost all of the research to be discussed later should be taken into account that it is done on men.
11:19Due to the scarcity of research on female pedophiles,
11:23there is no definite judgment as to whether they will give the same results as men.
