• last week
n this video, we dive deep into the historical and genetic evidence surrounding the ancient Illyrians and explore the question: Were they actually Greek? Join us as we uncover the truth behind the Illyrian identity, their cultural ties, and the implications of recent genetic studies. We also address modern claims and misconceptions about the Illyrian heritage and its connection to present-day national identities in the Balkans.

This content is for educational purposes only and does not endorse any political ideologies or nationalistic agendas.

#History #illyrians #Greeks #BalkanHistory #Genetics #ancienthistory


00:00Were the Ancient Illyrians Genetically Greek?
00:08A Historical Analysis
00:09Welcome to today's video, where we will explore a fascinating and often debated topic.
00:14Were the Ancient Illyrians Genetically Greek?
00:17This question has sparked much discussion, especially in the countries of modern national
00:21identities in the Balkans.
00:23Today, we'll dive into the evidence and demonstrate that the Ancient Illyrians were
00:27indeed genetically Greek.
00:29Let's break it down by asking three key questions.
00:32Question number one.
00:33Who were the Ancient Illyrians?
00:35The Ancient Illyrians were an Indo-European group that inhabited the western Balkans and
00:38the eastern Adriatic coast, ranging from modern-day Slovenia to central Albania.
00:44While traditionally seen as a distinct group, genetic and cultural evidence suggests a significant
00:48overlap with the Ancient Greeks.
00:50Genetic studies have revealed that the Illyrians shared a substantial amount of DNA with the
00:54Ancient Greeks, indicating a close kinship between these populations.
00:57The regions inhabited by the Illyrians were heavily influenced by Greek culture, language
01:01and trade, further twisting their agenda.
01:04The absence of a distinct Illyrian script or language and the prevalence of Greek inscriptions
01:08in Illyrian territories bolster the argument that they were part of a broader Greek world.
01:14How were Albanians claiming the Ancient Illyrians as their ancestors?
01:18Some modern Albanians claim descent from the Illyrians, particularly through a tribe called
01:22the Avri.
01:23This claim is largely based on the phonetic similarity between the names Avri and Alvani,
01:28the second being the Greek name for Albanians.
01:30However, this connection is spectaculative and overlooks significant historical and genetic
01:35evidence that links the Illyrians more closely with the Greeks.
01:38Furthermore, the self-designation of modern Albanians as Scyptars and Repentrius Scyperia
01:44highlights the linguistic and cultural divergence from the Ancient Illyrians, who were more
01:47integrated with the Greek civilization.
01:49The evidence supporting an Albanian claim to Illyrian heritage is not robust when examined
01:53in the context of historical, genetic and linguistic data.
01:58Why do modern Albanians claim Illyrian heritage?
02:01To understand this, we need to take a look at the geopolitical landscape following the
02:05First Balkan War.
02:06As the Balkan nations, including Greece and Serbia, expanded their territories, the great
02:10powers such as Italy and Austria-Hungary sought to curb the Greek and Serbian influence in
02:15the Adriatic region.
02:16This created a need for distinct Albanian national identity.
02:19By claiming the Illyrians as their ancestors, modern Albanians could assert a historical
02:23presence in the region.
02:25However, this narrative is largely a product of 20th-century nation-building effort and
02:29is not strongly supported by genetic or archaeological evidence.
02:32The genetic links between the Illyrians and the Greeks suggest that the Illyrians were
02:36more likely a Greek subgroup than a distinct proto-Albanian people.
02:41In conclusion, the evidence points to the Ancient Illyrians being genetically Greek,
02:45with their cultural and linguistic ties further solidifying this connection.
02:49The Albanian claim to the Illyrian heritage, while politically motivated, does not hold
02:53up under historical scrutiny.
02:55And don't forget to check out part two of this series, where we explore the identity
02:59of the Arvanites and their connection to Greek and Albanian history.
