• last week
Presentation video about GraphQL and the basics on how to use it. GraphQL can be an alternative to using REST and the Swagger OPEN API spec for our spring boot applications or other enterprise open source solutions we may find. With this document the idea is to make it clearer what are the possibilities.



00:00:00 - Guitar Intro
00:00:25 - Start
00:07:17 - Theory over GraphQL, not Graphs
00:25:39 - How does the system look like?
00:27:34 - How to program it?
00:36:17 - Demo time!
00:48:45 - GraphiQL
01:01:25 - Trying Websockets to no avail
01:06:11 - Imagining Questions
01:10:06 - Thank you and see you on the next video!
01:11:26 - End credits



- Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/presentation/793388445/Apollo-for-Kotlin-made-me-GraphQL
- Slide-share: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/apollo-4-kotlin-made-me-graphql-and-i-learned-how-to-use-it/275299402



- https://spring.io/guides/gs/graphql-server
- https://www.apollographql.com/docs/kotlin/tutorial/04-execute-the-query
- https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8097-graphql


As a short disclaimer, I'd like to mention that I'm not associated or affiliated with any of the brands eventually shown, displayed, or mentioned in this video.


All my work and personal interests are also discoverable on other different sites:

- My Website - https://joaofilipesabinoesperancinha.nl/
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If you have any questions about this video please put a comment in the comment section below and I will be more than happy to help you or discuss any related topic you'd like to discuss.

If you want to discover more about my open-source work please visit me on GitHub at:

- GitHub - https://github.com/jesperancinha