• last year
A presentation going around the basic concepts surrounding functors, monoids and monads. They are discussed in Haskell and Kotlin domains and the idea is to give an empirical and instinct feeling about what they are, so that we can process better our thoughts with higher level concepts to find solutions for our every day programming language challenges.



00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:05 Intro Sequence
00:01:26 Explaining Functors
01:16:27 Explaining Monoids
01:59:29 Explaining Monads
02:45:24 Questions
02:50:10 Resources, Thank you for watching and see you on the next Video



- Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/presentation/779087903/Monads-Are-No-Nomads
- GitHub - Kotlin Test Drives : https://github.com/jesperancinha/jeorg-kotlin-test-drives
- GitHub - Haskell Test Drives: ttps://github.com/jesperancinha/haskell-test-drives



- https://www.dcc.fc.up.pt/~pbv/aulas/tapf/handouts/monads.html
- https://userpages.cs.umbc.edu/artola/studyaids/AbstractAlgebraPrimer.pdf

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If you have any questions about this video please put a comment in the comment section below and I will be more than happy to help you or discuss any related topic you'd like to discuss.

If you want to discover more about my open-source work please visit me on GitHub at:

- GitHub - https://github.com/jesperancinha
