• 7 years ago
The title of this piece most likely comes from St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, England, where a great number of outstanding Christian organists and choirmasters who were also composers, served over the centuries. Singing “under the dome,” or performing music, “under the dome,” has a remarkable acoustic effect, somewhat similar to the reverberation at the Church of Saint Mary | The National Shrine of Saint Dymphna. Upon the consecration of the new St. Paul’s on 2 December 1697, the Bishop of London preached his sermon based on Psalm 122, "I was glad when they said unto me: Let us go into the house of the Lord."

This short piece features the trumpet trio which accompanied The Men and Boys Choir at the Church of Saint Mary | The National Shrine of Saint Dymphna, Massillon, Ohio, U.S.A. on special occasions. It is a beautiful moment when the choir and parishioners sit to listen to the trumpeters and the organist make music to the Glory of God. Each year, every choir would have either a trio or quartet of trumpeters situated at the east end of the choir loft. Being selected to play trumpet with the choir was a special honor. This music comes from the Cantate Domino vinyl LP album recorded in 1965.


