• 7 years ago
Fried Garlic Prawns is a well received gourmet delicacy in almost any restaurants that serve prawns. Fantastic to go with bread, rice or noodles.
Its highly aromatic and crunchiness texture when chewing it
makes it one of the best dishes around.
You definitely have to try this recipe to know what I
say. You will be happy that you did.

15 medium fresh large prawns marinated with:
1/2-1 teaspoon of salt to be kept in fridge for at 3 hours
to give its crunchiness)
2 teapsoons garlic
1 teaspoon cornflour
1 egg white

1. Add brown sugar, cornflour & egg white to prawns
and mix well.
2. In a heated wok or pan add 4 tablespoons oil, add
garlic, saute for a while then add prawns.
3. Fry on both sides until golden brown in color.
4. Ready to serve. Yummy & delicious!

Thanks for watching!