• 11 years ago
Christmas eve. Sam's gone Kevin's dead Castiel broken in the streets. Dean walked into tess's room to bring her the present he got her only to find a letter upon the bed.

Dear, Dean

We've been through so much these past nine years and I don't think I could have ever done it with out you. Through how many times we lose the ones we love we have never lost eachother, and I hold on to that everyday. Everything that's just happens isn't fair for you and I'm going to fix it. I know you can't stand to see me leave this way on this night but I promise you everything will be okay. I love you Dean. I promise you I will fix this.

Merry Christmas,
Tess Collins

Dean reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring with a note attached. "will you marry me?" He placed it on the letter before walking out of the room with a tear slowly runnin' down his face. That's all they've ever been doing runnin' and its time to stop. He thinks back on the past nine years looking down into his bottle of whiskey. Trembling lips how did his night end like this. Looking into sams room before throwing a fit and destroying his room.

"Run with me Winchester, help me save them."
