• il y a 13 ans
http://www.essec.edu/globalmba | Ashok Som, Professor and Associate Dean of the Global MBA presents the program. He explains how they have worked on this MBA program for the past two years and have come up with an innovative strategy where participants will do a lot of things in a one year time period.

The Global MBA program was conceptualized so the participants receive a generalist MBA flair. Participants will also benefit from ESSEC Business School's many innovative concepts, innovative ideas and strengths.

Sarah Meskell, Recruitment Manager for the Global MBA sums up the perfect candidate's profile: an open-minded, curious, and responsible individual who has the ability to think out of the box. Any educational background at a Bachelor level is suited when applying for the Global MBA. Majors can be in engineering, business, economics, science, law.

According to Ashok Som, the Global MBA Program was designed with career development in mind so participants can enhance their career and have better opportunities when they graduate.

More information about the Global MBA : http://www.essec.edu/globalmba
