

i am Jenna "Novachen" Trassa, game-producer and i am 27 years old and you can find playthroughs of videogames and modifications on this channel. I play always on the highest available difficulty :).
Even there are only FreeSpace 2 videoes here at the moment, i think that there will be later other games and work-in-progress videos, too.

You can give feedback in german and english. Because my twin sister is able to speak other languages, you can additionally also give feedback in french, spanish and chinese. But because i am writing the answers by myself, only expect an answer in german or english :).

Have fun and happy watching :).

About me:
I am 27 years old and i am ceo of my own company named Nova Entertainment. In the past i was involved mainly in Downloadable Contents for several games. But of course i was involved in full games, too.
For my own company i am produced several games for the openPandora handheld. Like the RTS game Hypernovia. Also i am worked on the freeware space-combat game "StarLancer: The Sol War", which is was released at the end of march 2015 for PS2/X-Box/Pandora/Wii and PC and is shedulded for Dreamcast for November 2015.
My main project is the "Jenna Trassa's Star Chronicles" franchise of sci-fi games and books, which first main game is the space-combat "Jenna Trassa's Star Chronicles: Nova - Point of Culmination" that is planned to be released in 2016, after 10 years of development. Also i released a freeware tactical strategy and mangement game for Pandora and Nintendo DS in 2015 named "Jenna Trassa's Star Chronicles: Athena - Squadron Leader", that is also set in this universe, but in another time frame.
If you are interested in this universe, there are already three released, unfortunately only in german, e-books. Two in the Nova era and one that takes place during the Athena era.
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Planetkiller | Mission 24 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | The 7 Demon Gates | Mission 23 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | The Dark Abyss | Mission 22 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Sidragasm | Mission 21 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Return to the Void | Mission 20 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Fall of Rome I | Mission 19 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Collapse of the Boundries | Mission 18 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Ethnic Cleansing | Mission 17 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | The Rampage | Mission 16 Part 1 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Shatter the Union | Mission 15 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Fortune's Turn | Mission 14 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | The Trail of Tears | Mission 13 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Fog of War | Mission 12 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend | Mission 11 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Battle of Akrotiri | Mission 10 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Retribution | Mission 9 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Martyrs of Kharak | Mission 8 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Cleopatra's Revelation | Mission 7 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | The Iron Curtain | Mission 6 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Somtaaw's Wrath | Mission 5 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Supply Guardian | Mission 4 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Void's Virtues | Mission 3 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Clear the Path | Mission 2 [Insane]
vor 9 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 2 | Vengeance is Ours | Mission 1 [Insane]
vor 10 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 1 | Victory Lap | Mission 8 [Insane]
vor 10 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 1 | Vadamee's Sword | Mission 7 [Insane]
vor 10 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 1 | Hell's Fury Part 2 | Mission 6 [Insane]
vor 10 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 1 | Hell's Fury Part 1 | Mission 5 [Insane]
vor 10 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 1 | Medeling with Forces | Mission 4 [Insane]
vor 10 Jahren
Dusk Wars Act 1 | Interdiction | Mission 3 [Insane]
vor 10 Jahren