Laumas Elettronica

Located in the heart of the Emilia Romagna region, and just a stone's throw from Parma in the renowned Food Valley, LAUMAS Elettronica has for 30 years been Italy's leader in the weighing and batching industry.
LAUMAS' cutting-edge equipment tests various electronic and mechanical components in order to guarantee the products' quality.
• Extremely specialized personnel with a high level of know-how.
• Research and development area dedicated to designing high-tech products.
• Attention to continuous innovation in products and productive processes.
• Goods ready for delivery, guaranteeing that your order will be dealt with quickly.
• Fast and effective post-sales technical assistance.
• Corporate training aimed at improving knowledge of our products.

LAUMAS ELETTRONICA can offer an all-round weighing service that is comprised of an enormous range of weighing and batching components, and tailor-made solutions. All the products integrate with one another modularly; while their functions are quite varied, they are simple and intuitive to use, and come with complete, easily consulted manuals.
• weight transmitters
• weight indicators with multi-function software
• load cells with mounting accessories for all applications ........
• single and multi-product batching systems with formula management......
• PC supervisory software to manage and control the weighing and batching systems.
LAUMAS' products can be linked to all types of peripherals, such as printers, data recorders, scoreboards, PC or PLC....... using the field devices most widely employed on the market.

With its well-established experience in industrial weighing and batching, LAUMAS ELETTRONICA offers its customer a degree of security. Today, starting from these fundamentals, and confident of its competitive edge over other companies in the sector, LAUMAS is aiming to become a player on international markets.
LCB - Digitalizador para células de carga - LAUMAS
6 anni fa
LCB - Digitalizzatore universale per celle di carico - LAUMAS
6 anni fa
LCB - Load Cells Universal Digitizer - LAUMAS
6 anni fa
W200\W200BOX – Indicadores de peso para montaje en panel \ en caja hermética IP67 - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
WINOX2G – Indicador des peso de acero inoxidable IP68 (IP69K) con gran display LCD gráfico - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
JOLLY2\JOLLY4 – Indicadores de peso para montaje en panel \ en caja IP64 - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
W100 – Indicadores de peso para montaje en panel - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
WDESKBR– Indicadores de peso de ABS para básculas puente con display LED rojo - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
WDESKG – Indicadores des peso de ABS IP67 con display LCD gráfico - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
WDESKL – Indicadores de peso de ABS IP67 con display LCD - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
WDESKLIGHT – Indicadores de peso de ABS IP67 con display LCD - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
WDESKR – Indicadores de peso de ABS IP67 con display a LED rojo - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
WINOXG – Indicadore des peso de acero inoxidable IP68 (IP69K) con display LCD gráfico - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
WINOXL – Indicadores de peso de acero inoxidable IP68 (IP69K) con display LCD - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
WINOXR – Indicadore des peso de acero inoxidable IP68 (IP69K) con display a LED rojo- LAUMAS
10 anni fa
WTABL – Indicadores des peso de mesa de ABS con display LCD - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
TLS – Transmisores de peso analógico y digital (RS485 ModBus RTU ) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
TLL – Transmisores de peso analógico (RS485 ModBus RTU) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
TLBSERCOSIII – Transmisores de peso digital (SERCOS III – RS485 ModBus RTU) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
TLB – Transmisores de peso analógico y digital (RS485 ModBus) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
TLBETHERNETTCPIP – Transmisores de peso digital (ETHERNET TCP/IP – RS485 ModBus RTU) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
TLBPROFINETIO – Transmisores de peso digital (PROFINET IO – RS485 ModBus RTU) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
TLBPOWERLINK – Transmisores de peso digital (POWERLINK – RS485 ModBus RTU) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
TLBMODBUSTCP – Transmisores de peso digital (Modbus/TCP – RS485 ModBus RTU) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
TFPV - TFPVZ – Accesorios de montaje para células de carga FCAX-FCAL (máx. 500 kg) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
PVCLS– Accesorios de montaje para células de carga CLS (máx. 2000 kg) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
V10000 - V10275 – Accesorios de montaje para células de carga CBL (de 250kg a 12500kg) – CBX 15000 kg - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
SNODOGE12AX\20AXKIT\25AXKIT– Junta esféricas axiales de acero para células de carga - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
T8AZL-AZS-T8AM – Accesorios de montaje para células de carga AZL-AZS (máx. 200kg) AZLI (máx. 50 kg) AM (máx. 300kg) - LAUMAS
10 anni fa
V10000 - V10275 – Accesorios de montaje para células de carga CBL (de 250kg a 12500kg) – CBX 15000 kg - LAUMAS
10 anni fa