Loren Woirhaye

Skills and Talents don't always come easily. When a person is an effective marketer its not all natural, I just take an interest in something or other and read and practice until I get the idea. Some things can be learned quickly but others, like marketing and music, are lifetime skills. You can learn to emulate or surpass what I have accomplished online. Its no big deal. It just requires the right information and

For me marketing on the internet is fascinating and confusing. There are so many new opportunities to reach out online, but with it also comes a sort of "noise level" - and I think we are all getting "ad blindess".

I think networking and marketing have a real opportunity to move forward with the new internet - Web 2.0 as they call it... but its important to realize that the same qualities that contribute to building rewarding relationships offline are going to apply online....

A lot of folks have feet of clay online and there is so much hype in the industry. It
takes a certain discernment to tell when some program or other is worth joining.


Trust online is at an all-time low. Everybody seems to be out to sell something to everybody else, and that business model makes sense today and a lot of people are figuring that out.

The Big Challenge.

Cutting through the B.S. and really connecting with people online... not for a quick "grab the money" sale but for long-term win-win relationships is the new challenge. There are no shortcuts to doing this... you have to invest time in building those relationships if you want them to be good-quality.

Separate the Wheat from The Chaff

There are a lot of people online trying to "network" with a picture of a pretty girl in place of their real selves... and other such minor deceptions...

I "sort" for people who are genuine. Those who want to learn and talk and check out new ideas in the marketplace. If a person is "hiding" behind a website with exagerrated hypey content and no phone number.... well I figure that person doesn't care about networking or assisting others too much. I don't pay much attention to those who try to anonymize their networking activities.

Life is too short to waste time "networking" with people who are not authentic.

Putting Up The Goods - here's my phone number - 310-359-8494 - skype id: lorenww
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