
You Rapture is a Christian Organization, is doing what the others in the news media are not doing. In the last ten years there has been a flood of people from around the world reporting and talking about their dreams and visions of the rapture and in the last couple of years there has been a great increase of these dreams and visions. Yet, the main stream media from around the world have really not care or has put very little attention into the increase of these dreams and visions. We have a great website with videos of peoples rapture dreams and we also have Rapture Dream Radio on live365 that plays Christian music most of the time and some time talk about the rapture.

Please go to our website to upload to this page your video. By using the uploader on our site your vidoe would go onto this page. if you had a rapture or visions or prophecy dreams or visions of Jesus' coming or end times upload to us.

Thank you and God bless