
Wes Wheeler | Experience Means Success

Wes Wheeler is Chief Executive Officer at Marken, a world leading global life science supply chains solutions provider. Marken understands the wide-ranging demands of this position and chose someone with a decades-long career in the pharmaceutical industry and related areas. During that time, he has been involved in virtually all aspects of the industry and gained important business understanding. Wes Wheeler has held senior roles in manufacturing, marketing, logistics, engineering and R&D. Marken acknowledges that given the wide range and the length of his experience with the business, he has gained a unique ability to handle the demands of the Marken client base. Marken works to isolate exactly which areas exist in which clients have not seen their needs met in the past and create strategies to be better able to meet those needs. Marken has invested in Wheeler’s ability to utilise both his knowledge of the pharmaceuticals industry gained over more than twenty years’ experience and his past understanding and involvement in international trade to help drive Marken forward as the company expands globally in order to better meet the needs of its growing client base.
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