WEDIAWIX is a mixed media collaborative enterprise of young and motivated people, now relocated in San Diego, CA, which uses a diversity of methods of expression to share information through media in the purpose of creating social awareness, entertainment, and a platform for contributive exchanges.

Cultural background: France, Brazil, USA, Canada !

Our motto: Activate your generation


We – as a generation – face new challenges that no other generation has confronted before. Still under the shadow of one of the worst economic crisis in our modern society, we are supposed to enter the real world and pull the planet out of this mess. We are also learning, the hard way, that the promise of a bright future after achieving a high level of education does not apply to us anymore. We are bound to fall into debt by spending a fortune in an education that does not insure any economical stability. And, as if all of that was not enough, we are also facing complex environmental issues, to which we are expected to find immediate solutions if we want to make sure that we will live past 50 years old.

With that in mind, “activate your generation” is a shout full of consciousness to our generation to stay active, for staying active is the only thing that will get us out of this chaos. Even though times are tough and the rewards do not show immediately, we have to keep giving ourselves projects and goals. We have to stay active, in our brain and in our body. We have to keep creating awareness. We have to keep educating ourselves. We have to keep traveling the world and learning from each other. We have to stay curious. We have to find the worthy things still present in our society and rebuild from it. We have to assume the challenges presented to us. We have to take over…
13 years ago