World’s Largest Cashew Tree

  • 11 years ago
Check out the world's largest cashew tree.

If you’re craving cashews, consider a trip to Brazil, home to the largest cashew tree in the world.

The tree covers an area of approximately 80 thousand square feet and has a 1650-foot circumference.

That’s 70 times the size of a normal cashew tree.

It also has a unique appearance as over the years the weight of the branches has caused them to make contact with the earth and take root.

Legend has it that the cashew tree was planted in 1888 by fisherman Luiz Inacio de Oliveira. According to the tale, the man died at the age of 93 under its shade.

The tree produces about 60 thousand nuts a year, but if you do go to enjoy some of its harvest, make sure you don’t eat the shells.

Cashews come from the same family as poison ivy and poison sumac. Eating the shell can cause the same type of irritating and adverse reaction that touching its relatives can.

The high-temperature roasting process rids the tasty nuts of chemical traces.