Best Over the Counter Stimulant and Focus pill- Addrena Reviews

  • 11 years ago
Addrena Reviews
My cousin was the one who got me to try this, and it is the best over the counter stimulant and focus pill. She likes it because it boosts her energy but I use it more as a study pill because I am in law school. I was not sure about how this best legal stimulant and focus pill worked until I researched the ingredients that Addrena contained.
I am a huge proponent of nootropics and was impressed when I saw the different kinds in Addrena. I have also taken some of them by themselves before so I knew that they were good ingredients. The nootropics in Addrena are called cholinergics which affect acetylcholine which is a neurotransmitter. It helps increase brain function which also helps increase our memory which is why it is a great ingredient for this best legal stimulant and focus pill over the counter.
Along with nootropics Addrena also contains the best over the counter stimulants. The mix of the two together really help me focus better. You can really feel the burst of energy you get from the the otc stimulants stimulants as well as the nootropics.
There is another ingredient in this study pill called tyrosine which I think enhances mood because after taking this best legal stimulant and focus pill over the counter I did not feel distracted by silly things and just felt good and happy. It could also be the mix of nootropics as well.
This study pill helps your energy and focus when writing and papers and studying for exams and finals. It helps me out a lot and I am going to continue to take it whenever I need that extra boost. I am so glad that I tried this study pill because it really does work especially for someone who is in law school like I am. Law school is very competitive and you need to be on point so that is why this best over the counter stimulant and focus pill over the counter comes in handy.
Addrena reviews
