Exclusive! Declaration from BRN -Ustaz Hassan Taib

  • 11 years ago
Declaration from The National Revolutionary Front of Malay Muslims BRN

Ustaz Hassan Taib
Representative of BRN
The Speech by Ustaz Hassan Taib.
The BRN is a national revolutionary frontline for the Malay people in Patani. The BRN was founded as a national front line to unite the Malay people in Patani from every walk of life to build a line of fighters for the people of Patani. The Malay people in Patani become stronger, and we shall obtain the liberation (freedom). After that we can administrate (the country) as fairly (equally, just) as possible. So I would like to plead to all Patani people, regardless of their ethnicity, no matter if you are Malay, Chinese or Siamese, so as not to be afraid or worried about the justice (which we are going to bring about). That’s all from me. A short explanation about the struggle of the BRN which is aiming at justice, prosperity and establishment of a country (nation) of justice.
