Give To Me Your Tired and Your Poor

  • 11 years ago
Published on Apr 23, 2013

Baez wrote the Sound track to this movie about Sacco and Vanzetti. In 1920's Boston they were Persecuted and eventually Electrocuted supposedly because they were had committed murder. Actually turns out it was just politically motivated. They might have been philosophically "anarchists" Actually they were victims of Bigotry and their Crime was Being Italian when the mostly Irish Police were looking to exercise their authority and paranoia by targeting those lower in the power structure than they were.
The English quickly established themselves as Top dog. Irish found a niche in being Cops. Scots somewhat though more likely to be Firefighters. Italians and EVERYONE else not from GB had an uphill battle.

Appropriately Baez opens with a musical treatment to the "Statue of Liberty Poem" and the commentary is on the disconnect between Lady Liberty inviting ALL to our shores and the reality faced when many arrived here.

Thus History and commentary made in the movie is apropos to recent events in Boston. I don't know exactly how. I only know that living in NYC through 911 I wanted revenge. Over time I've had more than a few RUDE awakening as to what 911 was actually about--who orchestrated it and whose political agenda it most helped.

Yes there are people who mean to do us harm---Many of them would seem to be our own Politicians.