• 11 years ago

After complete commando criminal cleanup operation with large numbers with arial support seal karachi and nine zero type areas the end the no go areas and same time operation en every area shoot on site if someone come in the way of commandos and search in every hide out..

a) Exposing the real faces of MQM terrorists’ involved in the targeted killings of more then 8000 civilians just in last five years and still killing evry single day and night armed forces personals, and more then 1000 police officers. All killers in JIT and in SC list must be hanged or shooted..

b) All political appointees in the Rangers, Police, and Law Enforcement Agencies immediately transferred into other parts of province into interior Sind outside Karachi as their loyalties are with the MQM mafia..

c) All the political prisoners immediately released if no cases have been proven against them on bail following the law but not the known criminals bhata khoor killers and kidnapers..

d) All community police recruited on the political basis must be disbanded as they have become part of the problem and not part of the solution..

e) Collection of all arms from public nato containers looted and colected arms including other arms licenced and unlicenced and ban on arms to public also collect data of arms holders and check their criminal record. Strong action against JIT listed criminals. There are confirmed reports that MQM using single arm licence for 1000s of arms..

f) Data collection of all the landlords of the foreigners in the city/country..

g) Strict monitoring and managing of print and electronic Media propagating Indian propaganda, and become part of Indian Psychological Operations in Pakistan especially media groups emerged in last ten years and owned by dodgy jewellers, businessmen and smugglers..

h) Stop MQM fake registration of votes into the voters list as they plan to register 5 million fake votes before election..

(i) Complete ban on nonsensical international politics telephone politics. If you want to do politics be brave and come in the country in front of awaam e Pakistan or stop your telephonic sharpsandana bakwaas like a rat u have no rights to misslead Pakistani people coz you are dual national and many others including governer sindh ishrat ul ebad are the same shits wake up Pakistan wake up..


