Woman Parks Car on Tracks to Stop Train Noise

  • 11 years ago
A woman stops her car on tracks to stop train whistling.

Constant train noises can certainly be bothersome. But one woman in Pennsylvania went a little too far.

42-year-old Bridgett Dixon entered a convenience store in a panic, ordering the clerk to call police because her car was stuck on nearby railroad tracks. A patrolman noticed the vehicle packed in the middle of two tracks about one block from the store.

An oncoming train was forced to stop and wait for a tow company to remove the car which was in the way. When police spoke to Dixon, she told officers that she was sick of the train blowing its whistle every time she was around town.

The lady also believed the train engineer was stalking her so she thought if she parked her car on the tracks, the train would hit the vehicle, eliminating the problems.

But officers noticed she smelled of alcohol.

She was arrested and charged with causing or risking a catastrophe along with public drunkenness.

Last year, police officers in Indiana arrested an intoxicated woman named April Hill after her vehicle, a Volkswagen Beetle was discovered on railroad tracks lodged in gravel.

Authorities believe she drove her car onto the railroad tracks and it got stuck.