The Picassos Are Here! A Retrospective From Basel Collections at Kunstmuseum Basel

  • 11 years ago
The exhibition The Picassos Are Here! at Kunstmuseum Basel is not just another Picasso retrospective. The show tells the story of a love affair between an artist and a whole city. In 1967, Basel residents approved a municipal loan of 6 million franks in a city-wide plebiscite and in a unique fundraising action collected an additional 2.4 million franks to secure two important paintings for the Kunstmuseum Basel: Les deux frères (1906) and Arlequin assis (1923). Picasso was so touched by this democratic expression of love that he gave the city three paintings and a famous drawing: Homme, femme et enfant (1906), Vénus et l’Amour (1967), Le couple (1967), and Esquisse pour “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” (1907).

The retrospective The Picassos Are Here! highlights this special relationship between Picasso and Basel and brings together works by the famous artist that have been collected by Basel citizens and institutions. The show spans the whole career of Picasso, from the early works until the last. The exhibition is curated by Anita Haldemann and Nina Zimmer. This video provides you with a walk through the exhibition, and Anita Haldemann talks about the concept of the show and tells the story of how the Picassos came to Basel.

The Picassos Are Here! A Retrospective From Basel Collections at Kunstmuseum Basel. Press preview an interview with Anita Haldemann, curator Kupferstichkabinett (Department of Drawings and Prints) at Kunstmuseum Basel, March 15, 2013.
