Washington, DC Generated $92.5 Million in Parking Tickets

  • 11 years ago
Washington, DC collects $92.5 million in parking tickets.

Washington, DC, the world's most powerful city seems to have way too many parking violators. Either that or it's parking infrastructure needs an upgrade.

AAA-MidAtlantic recently submitted a Freedom of Information Act request in order to see what exactly the city’s parking data looked like for the fiscal year 2012.

The city collected an astounding $92.5 million in that time frame from a total of 1.8 million parking tickets.

Breaking it all down, that means a little under 440 tickets were issued each hour. That equates to over 7 parking citations per minute.

Surprisingly, the new numbers amounted to a 6 percent decline from the previous year in which 2 million tickets were handed out.

Most of the tickets were issued to drivers living outside of the DC area.

Another report from last year focused on traffic cameras in the city. It was revealed that just one traffic camera, installed on New York Avenue in Washington D.C. imposed $11.6 million in fines, ticketing more than 116,000 drivers over the course of 23 months.
