What happened to KONY 2012, from INVISIBLE CHILDREN

  • 11 years ago
This video is from INVISIBLE CHILDREN http://invisiblechildren.com/
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One year ago, we launched an online campaign called KONY 2012. It was an experiment to see if the world would unite and care about crimes committed by Joseph Kony, the first war criminal indicted by the International Criminal Court.

This video highlights what occurred over the course of the past year and discusses where Invisible Children is going in the future.

Peace is a journey. Justice is a promise.

Join the Fourth Estate:
Invisible Children uses film, creativity and social action to end the use of child soldiers in Joseph Kony's rebel war and restore the LRA-affected communities in central and east Africa to peace and prosperity.

Invisible Children is not just a nonprofit organization, but a group of people choosing to live differently. We use the power of media to inspire young people to help end the longest running war in Africa. We make documentaries, tour them around the world, and lobby our nation's leaders to make ending this war a priority.

Many of the fighters in Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army are unwilling combatants and have little desire to continue fighting. They are hundreds of kilometers from home and are far removed from the original goals of the LRA. Invisible Children works with local leaders and partner organizations to send “come home” messages directly to LRA groups, encouraging them to surrender and telling them how to do so safely.

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KONY 2012

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