• 13 years ago
A great documentary on the Move Organization and the repression they suffered from the racist and brutal policies of the Philidelphia police department and the US justice system.

ONLINE at: http://www.brightcove.com/title.jsp?title=428944249&channel=219646953

MOVE is a revolutionary organisation set up in USA that fights to protect all life by spreading information and standing against the systems that harm life.

They were strident anti-racism and environmental campaigners long before the mainstream took up the issues. In their on words: "The word MOVE is not an acronym. It means exactly what it says: MOVE, work, generate, be active. Everything that's alive moves. If it didn't, it would be stagnant, dead. Movement is the principle of Life."

Because of their unequivocal stance they have been constantly persecuted by the system. The persecution went from beatings, to armed attacks to eventually bombing their homes.


MOVE (skratka angl. slova ´movement´) vzniklo v USA začiatkom 70. rokov. Od začiatku to bola radikálne ekologická, prevažne (i keď nie výlučne) černošská, nekompromisná, striktne vegetariánska skupina žijúca komunitným životom. Jedli výlučne surovú organická stravu, nesledovali TV, sami vzdelávali svoje deti, dali si spoločné priezviská, nosili dreadlocky a recyklovali odpad. Pod vedením ich zakladateľa Johna Africa MOVE bojovalo proti každej forme útlaku, počnúc výstavbou dialníc, pokusmi na zvieratách, cirkusmi so zvieratami až po štátny útlak, násilie páchané na ženách,...

Adresa na organizáciu/ADDRESS:
P.O. Box 19709 Philadelphia, PA. 19143, USA
Email: onamovellja@aol.com

Priatelia MOVE SK: