Cheap Foam Mattress

  • 11 years ago
Click Here: Contact for Info: 888-822-3410 Toll Free Searching for a Cheap Foam Mattress? I believe you're far better off buying an inexpensive foam mattress, in most circumstances, than buying a low-cost spring or air mattress. The reason I say that is simply because less expensive spring mattresses can be so bad as to not give you any back support, particularly in the lower back region in which you so desperately need it. You can examine the back support traits of any inexpensive foam mattress by lying on it. It only requires a couple seconds to know if it will be a back breaker or not by checking it first prior to getting it home. While you're in the mattress store, lie down on your back on the low-cost foam mattress and then try sliding your hand between the mattress and the small of your back. Don’t rise up or flip your body in any way to make it less difficult, just lie flat on your back when carrying out this little experiment. With a bad inexpensive foam mattress, you may very easily be ableto slide your hand between the small of your back and the mattress. In reality, most doctors will tell you to sleep on a very firm mattress which, in my opinion, is one of the worst things you can do to your lower back. Just to illustrate this, try lying on the floor, on your back. The floor is the firmest surface you could sleep on and your lower back will be curved up above the floor so it is not getting one ounce of support. That is the true story of a firm mattress being the best thing for your is not. (I’m not a physician, but it tends to make common sense, doesn’t it?) If it is difficult to slide your hand between the small of your back and the mattress, it is simply because a very good foam mattress is pushing up towards your back and providing support. Does that make sense to you? I hope so…