Bed Bugs

  • 11 years ago
Click Here: Phone for Info: 888-822-3410 Free of charge Bed bugs are invading each area of the United States and the planet. What Are Bed Bugs? First of all, they are blood suckers. They really like any warm blooded animal from human beings to bats and will readily feed on them if provided the chance. Bed bugs are creatures of the night, for the most part, and will only come out in the daytime if they are hungry and a warm blooded animal is obtainable. When they are around in larger numbers, there is a detectable, disgustingly musty, but sweet, smell that accompanies them. The average bed bug is about 1/4" long, oval shaped, flat creature with short, golden colored hairs on them. Their beak is made up of 3 segments ideal for penetrating the skin and sucking blood from their host. They move really rapidly and can travel up about 20 feet to reach a feeding host. Female bed bugs attach their eggs, pearly white in color, to any surface which is useful in order to hatch them. Because of their capability to adapt and survive in any environment appropriate for their human hosts, bed bugs can become established and develop substantial populations very rapidly. Common reactions to being bit are raised, reddish bumps at the bite spot or itchiness. Humans who are frequently bitten by bed bugs could develop a sensitivity “syndrome” that can include nervousness, almost consistent agitation, jumpiness, and sleeplessness. These signs and symptoms could be helped by eradicating the bed bugs or moving the individual to a "protected zone". Where Do They Come From? These bed bugs usually move from one property to a different one in many diverse ways. The bed bugs or their eggs are unknowingly carried in or on pieces of furniture, bedding, luggage, clothing, electronic products or cardboard boxes. Renting or purchasing used furniture…