increase website traffic for free

  • 11 years ago
Wts Traffic Magnet 4.0 is finally released. Its release was held back due to the fact that we needed to ensure that it is of the highest standard, before we get it into your hands. While the idea behind WTS Traffic Magnet 3.0 was brilliant, we also soon realized that its implementation was not what we wanted.

Everything changes now with Traffic Magnet 4.0. We are proud to say that this is definitely one of the most powerful software programs we have ever created!

Some of its features are:

1. No Internet Explorer:- We have overcome the need to use IE. If you have run Wts Traffic Magnet 3.0, you would have noticed that it was a tough job dealing with Internet Explorer. Now, you do not have to install any browser - the software comes automatically loaded with Firefox.

2. Fully Automatic: Have you ever wished for a magic button that would automatically bring traffic to your website while you continue with your actual work? With WTS Traffic Magnet 4.0 your wish is about to come true!

3. Forum: We also now give you the power to speak out. You now have your very own forum, where you can discuss issues, participate and share your views about WTS Traffic Magnet with other members.

4. Easy to use: Now, Traffic Magnet is simpler, more powerful and easy to work with. Most of all, it respects your time and leaves you free to go ahead with other jobs while it workd faithfully in the background.

Don't take our word for it. Download it now and experience the Magic today!
