• 11 years ago
84 Days In 48 Seconds Body Transformation Time Lapse
time to do it. Some have shown to illicit insulin responses, and just from the health aspect of not wanting a foreign chemical in our body. I know people who get major headaches from drinking diet sodas all the time. You can google aspartame and the others for more info on some of the dangers. Workouts should be fun and enjoyable, so pick the one that you like to do and still gets you results. Personally I never did slow burn, did CF in the past, and now kind of do my own blend from all the things I like to do with bodyweight exercises and lifting heavier weights. Hi Mike, Thanks for a really simple article with plenty of info to consider. I was just wondering if the KIND of sugar you ingest matters in your simplified equation. So create an energy deficiency and make it pull from fat stores. Fruits is something in moderation and it does matter what kind you should eat. Personally I say keep it realistic and manageable. Try to keep strict M-F and then maybe enjoy a nicer meal on Sat. Hormones such as testosterone, insulin, growth . So things like short term fasting, low carb days, resistance training glycogen based are able to let your body reverse the resistance and make your cells more sensitive. Hope that helps clear it up in a nice simple way!. The body can heal and repair itself if we give it a chance. Steve Ericson Great reply Mike, and the music analogy helped drive home the concept through this thick Swedish head. Antiques The n umber one enemy really is sugar. It is in everything that comes pre packaged. Reply: yes you are right sugar is the first and oily foods are second. James This was linked on the CrossFit message board. Lifting weights will build muscles that will help keep your metabolism strong. You can burn fat with additional aerobic activities as well, but alot will have to do with the hormones and diet too. Nothing guarantees any fat is being burned with an activity, as you can just burn muscle glycogen too. High intensity training does not burn any fat while you do it much like weight training , but you can create an environment of elevated metabolism that lets you more fat after the workout is over what is known as EPOC .
