Weight Loss Formula Reduces Belly Fat for a Flat Stomach

  • 11 years ago
Weight Loss Formula Reduces Belly Fat for a Flat Stomach
articles would be really cool. And I prefer the entire post to go into the reader rather than using a. WOW, what a great post It is al ready being forwarded to my sister. I also enjoy spending more time with comments and feedback vs more posts. Hopefully all posts will be a good tool for anyone from beginners to more advanced as we can all remember to master the basics and just keep things simple for maximum results too much info and confusion out there as it is providing little to no results . You will see the importance of nutrient timing and also the benefits to cycling high and low protein days as well as carbs . Personally I have too many issues with it and I feel better when not drinking it. Because all the science in the world is no good if no one puts it into action. I never claimed I was an English major, but me try real well!. You mention in the post that this is the one exception where you can kinda spike up your food intake to build muscle Fred Hahn asserts the same thing . Am I misinterpreting your statement, or are you guys in different camps on this? Could you elaborate on your position?. The PWO window is probably one of the most widely arguemented theories out there. Of course it does depend on your training frequency, what your goals are and what kind of exercises are you doing. Athletes who train everyday at high intensity daily may benefit and recover quicker from a quick small carb/amino shake pwo and then larger meal later. Also I have seen where amino acid supplementation pre-wo may be better than any carb/protein supplement immediate pwo for max muscle building. Interesting stuff and I am sure you will see ongoing research into it. In the end I would for say for maximum muscle, amino acids pre or even pwo may be the best course of action. That pwo window of increased sensitivity is still going on for hours after the workout. The rest of the day could be just protein+fat+veggies. I think you will only also see and increased insulin sensitivty pwo with a whole day of lower carbs around it as well and IF protocols . Granted this is not going to make a huge bodybuilder, but more a lean physique with plenty of muscle
