Get in Shape Really Quick-Women Weight Loss

  • 11 years ago
Get in Shape Really Quick-Women Weight Loss
activity , is influenced by the person's total weight and total amount of muscle. The more muscle, the more calories a person can burn naturally. When the amount of muscle is increased, then more calories can be ingested without gaining weight. Normally, when people lose weight, they lose a combination of fat and muscle. If the diet plan includes a daily caloric intake greater than the basal metabolic rate BMR , the person will most likely lose fat. In contrast, if the person follows a diet that includes a lower caloric intake than the BMR, this person will lose fat but also a higher percentage of muscle citation needed . Maintaining muscle mass while losing fat is therefore a key factor to reach both the ideal weight and body composition edit . Energy obtained from food The energy intake from food is limited by the efficiency of digestion and the efficiency of utilization. The efficiency of digestion is largely dependent on the type of food being eaten, while efficiency of utilization is affected by a variety of factors, including age, gender, body weight, hormone levels, and many more. Chewing , especially in the elderly, has been shown to increase the intake of micronutrients. Proper nutrition Food provides nutrients from six broad classes: proteins , fats , carbohydrates , vitamins , dietary minerals , and water. Carbohydrates are metabolized to provide energy. Proteins provide amino acids , which are required for cell construction, especially for the construction of muscle cells. Essential fatty acids are required for brain and cell membrane construction. Vitamins and trace minerals helps to keep good electrolyte balance and are used for metabolic processes. Dietary fiber also affects one's health, although it's not digested into the body. The National Academy of Sciences and the. World Health Organization publish guidelines for dietary intakes of all known essential nutrients. Sometimes dieters will ingest excessive amounts of vitamin and mineral supplements. While this is usually
