Before and After Compaison Pictures-Weight Loss Story

  • 11 years ago
Before and After Compaison Pictures-Weight Loss Story
being a trooper and trying to help. Perhaps you don't feel physically attracted to him right now because of all you have going on, but you still love him, right? If it doesn't repulse you, perhaps you could bring yourself to "help him out" out of love, since it can't be out of sexual attraction at this time? As long as he knows you're making an effort, I'm confident you two will get through this. Luckily, my husband doesn't get frustrated in that area very easily and he's super understanding of my not feeling "in the mood" very often. And it's that supportive, understanding nature that makes me want to be "in the mood" more often!. Have you been checked for Endometriosis? That can cause painful intercourse. Hi nanook, I'm going to share my experience and give you some advice that is different than that which has been given so far. Of course, you should research and discover everything for yourself. It is much more likely that you're low in progesterone and that your estrogen levels are too high at your age. However, you should definitely have them tested. I tested mine by saliva tests and there appears to be two schools of thought on this subject: some doctors do not trust saliva tests; some believe saliva tests are more reliable than blood tests due to the fact that the saliva has "free" levels which are available to the body, whereas blood tests show total levels which may be bound to other substances in the body and therefore, not available. I would highly recommend that you buy "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause: Balancing Your Hormones And Your Life From Thirty To Fifty" by John R. My sex drive, which had always been very high, diminished. I thought I might be heading into menopause. Anyway, even after I was on Armour, my sex drive did not return. It returned a little after I reached an optimum dose, but still sometimes making love was painful. Then, I realized I was in adrenal fatigue and had to address that. After that, I noticed my sex drive had returned. By then, my husband had lost his sex drive - ironically - so we rarely made love and I mean very rarely. We realized he was in adrenal fatigue and also
