Success at Weight Loss-Eat More and Lose More

  • 11 years ago
Success at Weight Loss-Eat More and Lose More
to be most effective long term, unlike crash diets which can achieve short term results, at best. Physical activity could greatly enhance the efficiency of a diet. Further, weight gain has been associated with excessive alcohol consumption citation needed . Depression , stress or boredom may also contribute to weight increase, citation needed and in these cases, individuals are advised to seek medical help. An increase in fiber intake is also recommended for regulating bowel movements. Application of such medications, however, should only be performed under the strict supervision of a physician and/or specialist. Finally, surgery i e bariatric surgery may be used in more severe cases to artificially reduce the size of the stomach, thus limiting the intake of food energy. Even though a wide array of these products is available to the public, very few are effective long term. Bariatric surgery is usually considered a last resort in treating severe obesity and it consists of two main procedures: gastric bypass and gastric banding. Virtual gastric band uses hypnosis to make the brain think the stomach is smaller than it really is and hence lower the amount of food ingested. This brings as a consequence weight reduction. This method is complemented with psychological treatment for anxiety management and with hypnopedia. The desired result is to have the body burn fat for energy with the goal of losing a significant amount of weight in a short time. If insulin is present and elevated , the other fat releasing hormones GH and glucagon go down. This is an important inverse relationship to realize. Minimal insulin levels throughout the day no chronic high levels/spikes . Maximum glucagon which is directly inversely proportional to insulin levels . Maximum GH which is controlled by insulin, exercise and sleep . Have protein with every meal as that will slow down the digestion of any sugars . Also protein intake stimulates the release of glucagon. Improve insulin sensitivity with glycogen draining exercise resistance training which will in turn reduce your insulin resistance which is one of the biggest reasons for obesity and a serious increase of risks for many other diseases including heart disease, cancers, diabetes, accelerated aging and more! . Keep your insulin levels low which means no big meals
