Prestashop - Product Review & Google Snippet SEO Boost

  • 12 years ago
Product Review & Google Snippet SEO Boost module for Prestashop facilitates merchants to generate Rich snippets for user given rating and reviews in their website and include them in Search Engines to give convenient summary information about Product information in Search Engines with dynamic content on user ratings and reviews.

This module integrates with the PrestaShop eCommerce Software and enables buyers or registered users or any visitors of the websites to give ratings and reviews to the products for different criteria defined by the store administrator.

Administrator or merchants can manage the reviews submitted by users and can configure whether admin approval required or not to publish user reviews. The ratings given by users can be viewed in all pages of the products listing pages and also can be displayed in any third party modules product display section by placing widget code in that particular module’s script.

The administrator can also able to configure rating unit scale texts as they desire like, Marvelous for 5 stars, Excellent for 4 star etc., instead of default text. It can be configured for each product specific text also. Admin can approve the ratings and reviews given by user either individual review and approval process or as a bulk select and approve. In Product Detailed view page, the ratings can be viewed with more detailed statistics as like the Amazon Rating System i.e. rating count for each star scale unit along the overall average rating score.

The module also supports multiple language for rating texts, product attribute. In addition to these features, the buyers can also post their reviews to their Facebook wallboard along the product image and URL of the product with their review comment. The visitors can also able to give feedback on the reviews they read using the thumbs up or thumbs down style interface through AJAX.
