Taste: 5 Future Technology Innovations from IBM

  • 12 years ago
In 5 years, a computer system will know what you like to eat better than you do. A machine that experiences flavor will determine the precise chemical structure of food and why people like it. Not only will it get you to eat healthier, but it will also surprise us with unusual pairings of foods that are designed to maximize our experience of taste and flavor. Digital taste buds will help you to eat smarter.

Every year IBM makes predictions about 5 technology innovations that stand to change the way we live within the next 5 years. See all IBM 5 in 5 predictions at http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibm_predictions_for_future/ideas/index.html?cmp=0&cm=v&csr=0&cr=dailymotion&ct=yt5in5&cn=5in5_taste
