SlimBrowser Download Manager

  • 12 years ago
SlimBrowser includes a multi-threaded download manager which can dramatically boost your download speed. It makes it easy for you to manage all the download jobs and allows you to resume download jobs after dropped connections.

To get an idea of how the download manager works, let's go to the download page of SlimBrowser and download some files. When you click on a link to a downloadable file, the download confirmation dialog will popup. You can change the download folder, the file name or the number of download threads if necessary in this dialog. If no change is required, simply click the download button to start the download job right away. The download job will be added into the download manager window docked at the bottom of the browser. Now let's add another two download jobs into the download manager. You can track the process of all three download jobs easily in the download manager. Right click on any of download job and you will get a popup menu which allows you to carry out various operations on the download jobs.
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