uk cookies law

  • 12 years ago
Cookies Law, Cookie Audits and Compliance
The EU Cookie Law and how to comply with UK Cookie Legislation

The EU Directive is protecting user’s rights to privacy online, so as web users learn about the law non compliant sites will be viewed with suspicion or mistrust.

Without detail on the cookies your site uses, it’s difficult to say your users have provided informed consent.

Most users do not know what cookies are or what they are for, but get this – not even designers and coders we’ve spoken to knew which companies are setting which cookies on their own sites - it’s tricky stuff.
Your research on The EU Privacy Directive and Cookie Audits can end here: Our e-Book on your iPad in 5 minutes, Audit and Solutions with you in 24 hours.

UK Cookies Law FAQ

“I’ve a website and a blog, do I need two e-Books?”
If you’ve several sites for the same business or entity, click the RED button to buy one e-Book then add the audits you need to cover your membership site, blog, etc. with the BLUE button. You can install our solution in all sites for one entity.

“I own online sites for several different businesses, what packs do I buy?”
You’ll want to install the solutions into each different business, so click the RED button (that contains the e-Book, Audit, Tech Pack and Privacy Policy) and adjust quantities in the cart. If some have blogs, or membership sites just click the BLUE button and top up those with audits only.

“I’ve already got a solution in mind and know what I’m doing, but I just need an audit.”
Click the BLUE button, you can just buy as many audits as you need without any e-Book, Tech Pack or Policy.

“I’m really interested, but my site is thousands of pages, with embedded media, buttons, ads, etc.”
Not a problem, we can handle tens of thousands of pages per site, send us an email.

“I’m a designer, SEO, VA, online marketer, business coach, etc. - Can I promote this to my clients or list?”
Absolutely! We've made it easy and rewarding to promote and sell our UK Cookie Law Solution with E-Junkie.
Our UK Cookie Law e-Book is ClickBank approved so if you use ClickBank, or want to become a ClickBank retailer, you can start or sign up right away. You’ll like what we offer with either E-Junkie or ClickBank!

“I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed since finding out about my new obligations - I’m not at all technical.”
We’ve written the e-Book to be easy reading and the Audit, Tech Pack and Draft Policy form the best possible brief you can hand to your web peeps, with lots of shortcuts for them. So don’t worry, just click the RED button, and you’re all done :-).


