Digital Caffeine

  • 12 years ago
This headphones required session is designed as an effective caffeine replacement. Taking a slow Binaural beat with a steadily rising pitch has an extremely energizing effect. Also added to this track is a 18Hz Beta Isochronic Tone to further waken and energize the listener.

Use this session in the morning as a caffeine replacement, or anytime you need an energy pickup.Your eyes can be open or closed with this session.

People with a past history of epilepsy or seizures should NOT use brainwave entrainment.

Duration: 20:00
Pulse Frequency Range: 18Hz
Carrier Frequency: 1600Hz - 0Hz
Pitch Range: 90Hz - 0Hz
Entrainment Method: Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones, Photic Modulation
Usage: Headphones Required
