Have you ever felt like your student loans were killing you? Well for Emily, her loans really are a matter of life or death.
Check out our pals at Olde Payphone!
Produced by The Kids Table
Emily Krakowsky
Igor Hiller
Marley Lieberman
Marvin Bryan Lemus
Emily Krakowsky - Emily
Miles - Student Loan Officer
Marvin Bryan Lemus - ISP Operator
Writers: Marvin Bryan Lemus & Emily Krakowsky
Director/Editor: Marvin Bryan Lemus
DoP: Erik Schneider
Gaffer: Ben Brooks
Production Design: Terra Espinosa
Sound Design: Chris Terhune
Special Thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Krakowsky.
Have you ever felt like your student loans were killing you? Well for Emily, her loans really are a matter of life or death.
Check out our pals at Olde Payphone!
Produced by The Kids Table
Emily Krakowsky
Igor Hiller
Marley Lieberman
Marvin Bryan Lemus
Emily Krakowsky - Emily
Miles - Student Loan Officer
Marvin Bryan Lemus - ISP Operator
Writers: Marvin Bryan Lemus & Emily Krakowsky
Director/Editor: Marvin Bryan Lemus
DoP: Erik Schneider
Gaffer: Ben Brooks
Production Design: Terra Espinosa
Sound Design: Chris Terhune
Special Thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Krakowsky.