Investigator Confidential, a Resource for your Private Investigation Needs

  • 12 years ago
To celebrate the updated 2008-edition of his popular book If You Only Knew, Mr. Martin chose to publish the book for free at

The book is a step-by-step reference guide - showing you how to find the information you need by using public documents, library resources and the Internet.

Thomas G. Martin is a well-known and respected private investigator who is widely consulted by attorneys, celebrities, and corporate America on a variety of cases that encompass the areas of civil, criminal, surveillance, missing persons, and background checks.

Tom Martin Resource
'If You Only Knew'
Written By Mr. Martin
Freely available at

"A few years back I wrote a book called 'If You Only Knew.' And I remember one day sitting in the office and I got a call that the LA Times is going to review the book, which I was very, very excited about, until some of the people on my staff reminded me that it's a bad review. Fortunately, it was not and the book did very, very well and it's enhanced our business quite nicely.

In the book there are 16 chapters and what's nice about this book is you can pick it up and go to the chapter that pertains to you. Maybe not all 16 would be of interest, but certainly when you got to the table of contents - maybe how to find someone would be of interest, how to catch your mate if they are cheating, domestic violence, common frauds, what people do with their money that they shouldn't be doing. There is a chapter on adoption, on troubled teens, and then 2 of the chapters at the end of the book is the truth about private investigators and then also how to hire a private investigator."
